Saturday 20 February 2016

My experience in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Hye blogger! Really hope all of you in a good  mood and cheers :)..

     So today I want to share about my experience in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. A journey of a thousand memories for me.

      For our trip to Sabah, We used the service of Air Asia flight. We took time to get there in about two hours. When we've arrived to the destination , we stayed in a hotel the nearest with shopping centre. After check in the room, we decided to go to Pasar Filipina. There are many items that are sold such as shells, clothing, fruits, souvenirs and the most I cant forgot is the food. It is very less price and many choice was available.

   For the morning, we rented a van to take us to visit the whole of Borneo. For our first destination, we have visited the "Rumah Terbalik" at Telibung Tamparuli. All item in upside down position and I suggest for all who want come to Sabah to visit here. It look impossible but available. Huhu..

    Next activity is going to Poring Hot Spring. There are many activities that we can do like a hot bath , canopy walkway, butterfly garden and so on.

    For the next day, all of us went to Manukan Island by speedboat. This place is suitable for people who like diving and snorkeling. Its more fun when you can feed the fish here. Awesome experience right?

     For the last day, we have decide to visited at Kinabalu Mount even it was raining. I requested to see the sight around the mount but unfortunately that area has been closed because it was already late. Although disappointed, but I was satisfied because I can record memories in my mind at the foothills.

    For my conclusion, the vacation 5 days 4 nights at Borneo Sabah give me experience that I will never forget. Thanks :)

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