Tuesday 16 February 2016


     Assalamualaikum guys , I just want to share with u all , my uncle experience at Paris . I never go to Paris but I feel one day I can go Euro .For second they trip to France second night in a youth hostel in Paris last night. They arrived in Paris around 6.05 local time two days ago. The flight from LAX to Orly airport was ten about hours long. It wasn't so bad, though. There was nobody sitting next to me and a nice, elderly French lady two seats away. The charter flight that They flew on was run by a French airline, and it seemed that the majority of the passengers were French-speaking. When they were taking off from LA, all of the announcements were in both French and English, but the frequency of the English announcements seemed to decline as they got farther and farther away from the United States.
     Customs was amazingly simple. They breezed right though, and emerged into the center of the Orly airport. They were a bit disoriented at first. There was, in Europe for the second time, and They didn't have even the beginnings of a plan. My uncle changed some money and found out how to get into Paris (Orly is outside of the city). They rode a rail system into the edge of Paris where it intersected the main Paris Metro. After a lot of staring at Metro maps, And finally they managed to figure out what station the youth hostel They wanted to go to was near, and after some confusion, managed to get there. They felt victorious when They emerged out into the Paris morning at the Republic station.

    As they were looking for the hostel, a man took one glance at my cousin and pointed across the street. Wearing a big backpack and fumbling through my cousin guidebook, My cousin guess it was handsome .

    I feel very jealous because my cousin always holiday at oversea and always sent picture using by Whatapps application to make me jealous . And I think one day I must go to Eropah and bring my parents to make my parents happy and feel cool weather at oversea .

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