Monday 28 March 2016

Dream of destination

       All the people have their own dream of destination. They will find the best location to make a vacation with friend , family member or travel alone that called as backpacker.

       Including me . I have my own destination that I already target. I hope I can go there someday. Ok, my target destination in Istanbul , Turkey. Why I choose this country ? Because I believe that it have a special story. For me. This is a heritage place that famous with Sultan Muhammad Al Fateh. 

     What special about this place ? What the research I make before. This place actually name Constantinople Town and was change as Istanbul Turkey. This country have many place that we can visit and find some experience.

     First place is Haiga Sophia. This place originally is a church that converted to mosque and was named as Aya Sofya. Around 1935 , the mosque was converted as  a museum after President Republik , Mustapha Artatuk ask to converted bit.

     Second place is Topkopi place. This place have a lot of story. Beside Medinna and Mecca , Istanbul also have historical items of Nabi Muhammad s.a.w such as footprints , writing paper and the companions sword. Along we inside there we can hear 24 Hafiz read verses Al-Quran and this happen long time a go in 24 hour non stop.

     Next destination is Grand Bazaar. This is a oldest supermarket at Istanbul Turkey that have selling a lot of antic brand . This place have around 300 shop was available and this place location is center in the town of Istanbul.

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